I like to take stock of my year when the leaves start to turn. How do I want to finish out 2014, what I am doing with my life, etc…. For a little more definition, & in the spirit of Morning Pages, I’ve decided to tackle one or two questions below per day. I was inspired by these questions, coincidentally, on the eve of Yom Kippur, which begins at sundown Oct 3 & continues to nightfall on Oct 4 on the Jewish calendar. It’s a high holy day to seek forgiveness between man & God. Evaluating the year & purposing to avoid repeating the same mistakes. May we all finish this year well & face the coming holiday insanity with a little more clarity & a lot more compassion in our hearts. We will never reach goals we don’t set, right?

Let’s be honest, I won’t be writing in the morning. I will forget once in a while. It will probably take me the whole of October to finish. Some people dislike boundaries & definitions. I like the space inside the edges. Maybe I enjoy pushing those edges out a tiny bit, too. By working out these questions on paper, over time, I hope to find a little more peace of mind. Here goes:
What do you want?
How will you know when you’ve got it?
What would you want if you didn’t have to be unhappy about not getting it?
What would it mean about you if you got what you want?
What would you want if it wouldn’t mean anything about you?
What would be the worst thing for you about getting what you want?
What would you want if you knew it would be ok if you got it?
What would you want if you could be guaranteed that you didn’t have to lose it?
What would you want if you were guaranteed that you were going to get it?
What would you want if you knew you couldn’t fail?
What would you want if you knew that it was ok to fail?
What is the thing that when you are doing it, you totally forget about time?
What does your heart long for?
What’s working about your lifestyle/career/family life/relationship?
What’s not working about your lifestyle/career/family life/relationship?
When was the time in your life that you felt most alive? What were you doing?
What’s going well for you?
What are you ignoring?
What is boring you?
Who do you love?
How do you want to be remembered?
Let me know how it goes for you over on Facebook or Twitter!
Remember my new awesome LOCATION – celebration opening coming soon!
Remember that GIFT CARDS are at the ready for the easiest Christmas gifts ever!
Remember that YOU are valuable and wonderful right where you are in this life.
BOOK a session and save your spot – we’re booking up almost two weeks in advance, save your spot now!
Release. Restore. Renew.