Fascia-focused Bodywork informed by the Structural Integration/Rolfing 10 Series. Therapeutic bodywork with deep change for the entire body & nervous system. Align postural imbalances. Open frozen shoulders. Intense or gentle to your preferences.
This is not massage. This is bodywork for every body.
The Emergence Process is a somatic processing protocol that uses kinesiology as a tool to pinpoint reactivity & blockages in the body & nervous system. This is a highly effective healing experience combining over 30 well-rooted healing modalities.
Emergence sessions are fully clothed.
Dr. Ida Rolf’s traditional 10 Series is a progression of 90 minute sessions designed to organize & align your entire musculoskeletal system. It will free restrictions and rebalance the structure and function of the body from the sleeve to the core.
A powerful session integrating Emergence + Bodywork.
Emergence Neuro-Emotional Processing clears blocked patterns & pathways in your body-brain.
Bodywork follows immediately, allowing extra supportive time to process with specific work only revealed by Emergence’s unique multi-modality approach.
Referrals welcome!
Feel better after one session. Feel amazing with consistent care.